Thug Wavy: A Literary Analysis on Significance Behind His Story. “The Gemini Man?”

Who and what is this Thug Wavy character? We’ll begin by discussing where the idea of thug wavy was conceptualized and how it fits into the 360 Wave Process story line. Gemini literally meaning “twin” this blog post will reveal what we all expected about who and what thug wavy is and represents!

First thug wavy made appearances in a few 3WP Videos along side 360WP-Rashaad and has consistently been presented as a a totally different character who obviously looks exactly like 360WP-Rashaad except with sun glasses and a backwards baseball cap. Now I’d be foolish to expect every-one not to notice that it was I who has been thug wavy the entire time. Further, I’d be even that much more foolish to not know that all viewers were able to easily tell I used a simple video editing “clone effect” to produce the nearly identical character I’d now like to reveal as the gemini man. Another metaphor for how thug wavy appears is similar to how in YUGIOH the Pharaoh appears when additional all around strength needs to be presented in a battle.

Very unrestrained by the basic customs of polite etiquette mannerism that how could I say, society would like to constrain on little boys and men, since that behavior is loud and not readily handled well by those that have not dared to stand against the shameful little role society’s grade school teachers metaphorically beat onto most kids.

Is thug wavy a bad guy because he does not conform to the tacit shameful pressures that plague many young men far into adulthood?

And does thug wavy deserve to be punished, demonized, and labeled an evil felonious crime lord for telling the truth like it is? Obviously not, but thy that hands out the felonies has the most felonious capacity of all.

Thug Wavy; Early Childhood Life Grade School Troubles

So somewhere during my lightly troubled adolescence I had a problem. Instability from being separated from my father surfaced as alleged behavior problems in school. It is no good to be sent to the principals in elementary school. Administrative adults begin trying to explain real world lessons and consequences to a child not capable of comprehending, so immediately that lead to a disconnect.

Thinking about it now, I’d say attempting to explaining future adult real world consequences to a child that said something that hurt another kid’s feelings, or let’s say was “disruptive in class” is an absolute terrible approach.

School Ground Fights

I discovered in middle school that I loved to fight. Me and some other guys would get down by going body shots only. Next, I found my self causing fights on the playground. However, I never considered myself a bully due to 90% of the fights being against boys that were taller and bigger than I was.

Getting Jumped In The Gang

This all relates to thug wavy because one day on the grounds, a group of the other boys were mobbing around before surrounding me. One yelled out we about to put you on! Before the gang started swinging on me to jump me in. Now I did not ask to get jumped into the gang but from there the mobs dissipated and Jason yelled alright you’re in now.

I actually never wanted to be in a gang banger as a youngster. The adults did a good job at dissuading my interest. I did not even get caught up in the gang like that after the jump in. I like to think that I made the right decision that changed my life trajectory for the better.

Instead of being with all the activitiez, I told myself that I’m goin’ to take a new start in high school as a freshman and be serious in class and not be “so disruptive” in class which meant I had to be foremost quiet in class. I wanted to finish school and move on with my life towards a positive successful direction.

I went on to college and even started a successful business, but did that keep me out of jail? NO!

The narcissistic post colonial system found a way to make continued attempts to criminalize me and has since thrown trumped up victimless vehicle code and other crime charges one after another at me fueled by it’s obvious justice-less aggressiveness against “so called “blacks” due to what comes off as a complex and need to attempt to maintain disorder derived from the historical wrong doings of it’s forefathers that it chosen to not yet own up to via reparations.

Equality and Fairness Farce From Beginning?

I mean I would be aggressive towards a person or people I know I screwed over but then later decided to try to live harmoniously with under rules called “laws” that preached “equality” and “justice for all” despite being propped up economically again due to initially embodying the opposite of all the “laws” of “equity” and “justice for all”. The only way to maintain the false sense of “equity” is to continually actively metaphorically beat down the person or people “I screwed over” since obviously trying to live harmoniously with them based on principles of light and fairness is a farce when again I used dark mischievous principal’s to gain an advantages. Such a relationship is abusive, unhealthy, and narcissistic when unapologetically broken down how I’ve just done.

I say the aforementioned to get deep into the significance of thug wavy. The “good boy online nerdy” stereotype is really a thing that is projected on popular influencers, especially early adopters, but it is over played. In a narcissistic society that I believe would try to prey upon such a character, I knew I needed to get a message across that there’s more than me than just this smiling laughing character that helps people with online tutorials on “how to make money” and “how to run faster”.

There’s something else there. Something mean. Something most people should be afraid of because well, most people are not melanated carbon based being walking the physical plane we call America. North and South America, this includes all so called “countries” on the landmass. The characteristics of thug wavy are necessary and anyone who believes in fairytale good college kid monolith is naive. Learn and account for the whole story before making such judgements because you could play yourself. And if you think of yourself as such an astute good fellow character cheerio for you my boy.

The Struggle To Fit The Role Model College Boy Image Being Projected Upon Me

The real question is if the image is being projected upon me, or if I am projecting this image on to my self by embodying the image. I openly and publicly take pride in sharing the fact that I have college background. In fact my one side of my public persona is built on the fact that I was a college student that ran track and field, but for sure ain’t every body went to college but it is a small percent of the population even in the states.

Where I’m from, it be like real dualistic. Good boys go to college etc. etc., some boys go to enlist in the military, and others go the path eventually getting caught up in jail for maybe flockin’ or having to hurt one of these people out here for overstepping their boundary. Life went to show me even college kid and military veterans still end up seeing jail-time for what ever reason, but one thing is for sure I learned that I am no better than the thuggish stereo type, or am I in anothers’ opinion?


Funny this question comes to mind. I love the sport of wrestling when it comes to WWE. I used to watch Thursday night smack down or Monday night Raw avidly. Viewing the recent show that airs on Netflix, they were talking about the history of John Cena, and I love John Cena, but they mentioned how he was not a crowd favorite until he begun the “rap thing” and introduce more edgy appearance.

I bring that up because I hear many imaginary people saying that thug wavy is bad and that it’s bad to speak highly of him and embody character traits described as thuggish is bad, but at the same time those people are blind. Blinded by the fact that they have been indoctrinated with the DNA of hateful colonialist of the past because when WWE or a European-American like John Cena portrays a thug as his “thugonomics” would reveal there is no hard feelings or call to action to shame him for allegedly glorifying “thug life” so is the not privilege of the nyeupe watu? Because I’m not extended that courtesy to be able to demonstrate thuggish behavior without being demonized.


On the real, what metric do we use to judge who is best and who is not?

Is this metric of who our parents are, or how much money they and in turn we have? Does it go further to include how much of an education we have in the family and what profession and industry we work? And does how physically attractive we are also play a large role in this idea of being better than the next? Is race a metric in determining who is better ?

If so, what is the most important metric of all in the list reasons you can give that make you better than the next people?

I say this to expose those that would love to come in and say, “Come on, you’e better than that, 360WP-Rashaad to reduce yourself to a thug” I don’t fear that those people miss the idea and don’t see that I am not merely deducing myself to a thug when a political body obviously used propaganda to propagate an idea exposed by the modern day meme comment of a “usual suspect” and “unusual suspect”. Who is this usual suspect and what would we say he/she looks like when stats show people are breaking the law at similar rates regardless of racial ethnicity?

How about a fist fight between those who think they’re better than the next man or woman? Finish three rounds and then really contemplate about how much better you are than him or her.

